Mandatory & Recommended Employee Training 

Training is the process of educating and developing employees so that they have the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and understanding needed to manage their positions in the organization. Training is crucial for organizational development and success and provides the following benefits: increased productivity and efficiency; improved employee morale; increased safety; personal growth; and organizational stability.

Please click the button below to download CharterSAFE's list of training for your school staff. Vector Solutions Safety & Compliance library is an online resource that CharterSAFE provides to all members at no cost.

As a reminder, CharterSAFE mandates that all employees take the CharterSAFE Childhood Sexual Assault Prevention Training on an annual basis.  Member schools that do not have at least 90% of all employees compliant with this training by the due date of September 30th each policy year will be assessed a $100,000 deductible for any childhood sexual assault claim. Click here  for an overview of the CharterSAFE Mandate and Answers to Frequently Asked Questions. 


Download Mandatory & Recommended Training Guide

Helpful Tools, Tips, & Resources

CharterSAFE - Vector Solutions
Training for Administrators

Download the CharterSAFE-Vector Solutions
Administrator Training Guide

 To maximize compliance, please ensure that when administering your Vector Solutions site that the Repeat Training Plan is not used (we recommend using the Group Training plan), and all courses are set to expire no later than June 30th each year.

Click Here to Download Vector Solutions Troubleshooting Tips


How To Administer Your Vector Solutions Site

For technical assistance or questions with administering your Vector Solutions website, please contact Mae Washington at 661.902-0035 or via email at

If you are not using this resource or for more information regarding training requirements and recommendations specifically geared towards your school’s needs, please contact Kim Alonzo @ 818.394.6532 or via email at

Keep Your School Safe with Award-Winning Safety & Compliance Training

Vector Solutions’ web-based system for safety training and compliance completely automates your staff training allowing schools to easily deliver, track, and report on training, and comply with important state and federal mandates.

  • 100% school-focused courses written by expert authors, delivered in a convenient online system.
  • Staff can train on any web-enabled device, when it’s most convenient.
  • Set up personalized training plans in minutes for groups of staff, new hires, or volunteers.
  • Keep everyone on track with email notifications and reminders of assignments.
  • Track course completions in real-time.